Sintesi del progetto
The aim of the project is to create web platform with educational materials for people working with youth, especially with immigrants and refugees with open access to them, allowing them to put these topics in provided educational and integration activities. The target group of the project are people working with youth, especially with immigrants and refugees in schools, universities, NGOs, community centers, libraries. On the one hand, these are people experienced in working with young people, but not always in working with immigrants and refugees. They lack the knowledge and tools to carry out high-quality educational and integration workshops and events. The second target group are young people, including immigrants and refugees who, without adequate support are at risk of social exclusion: marginalization, unemployment, falling out of the education system.
The main outcome of the project will be a web platform with educational materials for those working with young people, mainly with immigrants and refugees, and to develop international standards for educational activities, as well as the development of contacts and international cooperation networks of people working with young immigrants and refugees.
Il sostegno della Commissione europea per la produzione di questo sito non costituisce un’approvazione del contenuto, che riflette la sola volontà degli autori, e la Commissione non può essere ritenuta responsabile per qualsiasi uso che possa essere fatto delle informazioni in esso contenute.